Stakester: Supporting the holistic health of a global workforce




The challenge

The outcome

Stakester is an app that connects players who want to put their skills to the ultimate test – by playing their favourite games for money and prizes. The company is committed to nurturing an environment “where everyone is allowed to succeed on their own terms”. Not surprisingly, this means Stakester is consistently looking to upgrade the employee experience.

“I am super pleased with the overall experience and so is the team”

- Yasmin, Operations Manager at Stakester

The challenge:

Covid-19 and the subsequent lockdowns resulted in limited opportunities for employees at Stakester to find entertainment and enjoy their free time outdoors, which led to individuals working increased hours. The circumstances created feelings of uncertainty and isolation, which took a toll on the physical and mental health of employees. To continue prioritising their team’s happiness, Stakester sought to give employees a way to alleviate the stress and pressure, as well as incentivise them to get away from their computers. In essence, they wanted a solution that could both inspire and empower every individual at the company to take care of their wellbeing.

Our approach:

All employees were offered access to the Heka platform, as well as a generous monthly allowance to spend on any wellness experience of their preference.

On-demand, in-person, delivery and live-streaming experiences

Providing something which could cater to people regardless of their location was key to Stakester, as their workforce was now spread across the globe. Furthermore, 'working from anywhere' is a key aspect of their employee value proposition, which means that it was critical to provide the same health opportunities and support whether employees lived in the city centre or in the suburbs.

Heka’s range of online, on-demand, in-person, delivery and live-streaming experiences allows Stakester employees to access wellness experiences anytime and anywhere. For instance, employees living in the city centre book spa days, whilst others, with better access to the outdoors, have registered to WithU audio fitness.

Providing time-flexibility was equally as important as offering location-flexibility for Stakester. They wanted to ensure that no matter the working schedule or personal responsibilities of each individual, employees could access wellbeing at a time suitable to them.

Heka’s portfolio allows employees to be flexible in the time they dedicate to their wellness. For instance, some people book at-home workout kits to avoid dependence on a studio’s class schedule, whilst others order nutritious meal boxes to minimise time spent in the kitchen. Annual subscriptions to mental health apps such as Calm and Aura also gives individuals the freedom to access support whenever they need it.

Mental, physical and lifestyle experiences

The Stakester team is incredibly diverse, in gender, race, age, life-stage and interests. To allow everyone to “succeed on their own terms”, the company had to find a solution that was equally as diverse. Furthermore, as it can be hard to identify when employees need health support in a remote-working context, Stakester wanted something which could enable employees to search for and find wellbeing experiences that provided immediate relief.

Heka’s portfolio of over 1000, high-quality wellness experiences, covering mental, physical and lifestyle, now allows everyone to find something of interest, as shown by the 87% engagement rate with the platform. Furthermore, employees have been able to use Heka to book experiences that immediately improve their wellbeing, especially during hard times.

For instance, the Head of Product at Stakester had been suffering from severe migraine episodes, which were creating high-stress levels, however, he has been able to use Heka to book stress-relieving massages for immediate relief. He is just one of the many employees who’ve thanked Stakester for their monthly Heka allowance, which offers a quick and reliable solution to wellbeing.

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