A gym membership is great for people that use the gym.
But for those that don’t, we have 4,999 other options.
Everyone's different, so one-size-fits-all benefits that only serve 10% of your team won't work. Heka has something for every individual, so you can put a smile on every employee's face. Yeah, even Steve in Accounting.
Employees can access
& so much more!
Wellbeing has become a word that triggers eye-rolls, yawns and even vomiting*. That’s because employee wellbeing solutions have never hit the mark. Until Heka.
93% of employees that use Heka say it makes them healthier and happier. And everyone knows that happier, healthier people are proven to be more productive and are less likely to leave.
93% — that's nearly your entire team. Nobody ignores numbers that good.
*the vomiting thing was just a rumour, we have no proof of this.
Wellbeing trends come and go. The big trend in 2021 was mental health, menopause in 2022, financial wellbeing in 2023 and neurodiversity in 2024.
Heka offers support across all of these areas. So whatever Elon has planned for 2063, Heka already has it covered.
We’re the highest rated employee benefit.
Read how Heka helped its own CEO through a brain cancer scare in 2021.
See how Heka can support your team by booking a quick call.